Muhammad Ali (Personal Experience)

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Until recently, very recently, I never realized the true effect that "Super Stars" have on society and ones' personal feelings. It is not often that you get to meet one of your heroes. Whetherit is one of the present day or of fond childhood memories. Sure, you can go to a sporting event, Fan Appreciation Day, inspirational or motivational speeches or any public event to see them but that is just it, you expect to …

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…After receiving his autograph, a picture of the two of us and an exchange of smiles, he moved on to the other awaiting fans, which I could not help but notice that my brother and I had created this mob in just a few short minutes. As he walked of out of my site, I pondered the thought of the ever-so-popular phrase he always quoted. He always said, "I am the greatest." And he is.