"Much Ado About Nothing" Movie Review

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The movie "Much Ado About Nothing" is a Hollywood interpretation of one of Shakespeare's best-known comedies. The play is centered around two sets of lovers. The first, Hero and Claudio, felt in love at first sight and are going to marry soon. The second, Beatrice and Benedick, have known each other for quite a long time and love to joke and play tricks, trying to outwit each other. The plot is full of lies, misunderstandings, …

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…out to be the whole family involved in this film production. Not that this is bad, but just strange and unusual as I think. But an overall appearance of the movie is charming and pleasant. I recommend to everyone who didn't see Branagh's movie "Much Ado About Nothing" yet, to set aside all your businesses, buy or rent this movie, buy some popcorn, invite your friends, sit yourself down, and just enjoy watching this movie!