Mrs. Watson

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Essay Database > History
"Mr. Proctor, have you seen the Devil in your life?" wondered Judge Danforth. <Tab/>"I did," replies Mr. Proctor. <Tab/>"And when he come to you, what were his demands? Did he bid you to do his work upon the earth?" remarked Danforth. <Tab/>"He did," says Proctor. <Tab/>Mr. Proctor was an ideal farmer who faced many situations …

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…Courage man, courage. Let her (Rebecca) witness your good example that she may come to God herself. Now, did you bind yourself to the Devil's service?" questioned Proctor one last time. <Tab/>Proctor, through his teeth, his face turned from Rebecca, "I did." <Tab/>Proctor was courageous in many ways. Through his farm work, to his family, to the courts. He did what he knew what right.