Mrs. Louise Mallard in the story "The Story of an Hour"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Marriage of Yesterday Marriage of Today Mrs. Louise Mallard in the story "The Story of an Hour" is about a woman who has heart trouble. Her husband, Brently Mallard, is working on the railroad out of town when an accident occurred. Her sister, Josephine, has to tell her sister that her husband died because Louise is so frail. Louise wept for a time then left to go to her room alone. When in her room, …

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…property. Today women and men each have a say in their marriages and make decisions together. Both parents have to help in today's world because we are all so busy. The ironic point of this entire story is that when the reader finds out that Brently did not die, that he was alive, Louise dies of heart disease; some say of joy that kills. The joy that kills was the joy of her being free.