Mozart the movie

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Essay Database > History
In this movie, I thought that there were basically two classes. The "rich" and the "poor". They showed this by the type of operas that are seen. The "rich" would watch serious operas, and the "poor" would watch comical operas. And if the emperor yawned at on of these operas, then no one else would like it. For fun they would have elegant parties, but the "poor" class would have parties than were less strict …

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…had funny, sad and terrifying parts, and all sorts of good stuff. Overall this movie was worth my time and the time of the other students, it was also very educational and had a lot to do with what we are studying right now. I very much think that you should use this movie again to show to other students, I believe that it portrays his life very well, and it is easy to comprehend.