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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a child prodigy in music. By his fifth birthday, he played the piano. Before he was twelve, he had composed several sonatas, concertos, and symphonies. During his teens, he mastered the piano, violin, and harpsichord and performed his first major opera, Mitridate. At fifteen, he was appointed as the concert master in the orchestra of the Archbishop of Salzburg. He did not receive a formal education but learned Latin, …

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…flawless down to the last inflection. With the success also came a lavish lifestyle which caused him continuous financial problems. In July of 1791, he was commissioned by an unknown patron to write a Requiem Mass for a large fee. He worked on it feverishly until his death on 5 December of that year, but never completed it. Due to his social standing of indebtedness, he was given a pauper burial and buried in an unmarked grave.