Movie review (the omen)

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The Omen Plot: Moments after his son is born in Rome, ambassador Robert Thorn is approached by a priest and told that the baby is dead, but that a replacement can be offered. Thorn accepts the offer, agreeing not to tell his wife. Soon after Thorn is appointed as US ambassador to England. A series of strange deaths begin to surround the child Damien as it grows up. A priest comes to Thorn, telling him …

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…were The Seventh Sign (1988) and The Rapture (1991). Recent years have seen a number of films revisiting the End Times Prophecies genre but made from a Christian persepctive with the likes of The Omega Code (1999) and Gone (2003), a mini-genre has been plumbed with almost obsessive regularity by the Toronto-based Lalonde Brothers and their Cloud Ten Productions in their tetraology Armageddon (1998), Revelation (1999), Tribulation (2000) and Judgment (2001), and a further series Left Behind (2000) and Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002).