Movie marketing

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Pages: 21
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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Table of content 1Introduction 2 Planning a marketing campaign for a film 2.1 Who are the target audiences of the movie 2.2 What is the unique selling point of the movie 2.3 Cost of the movie marketing 2.4 Marketing mix 2.4.1 Product 2.4.2 Pricing 2.4.3 Distribution 2.4.4 Advertising and promotion 3The process of movie marketing 4Marketing campaign 4.1 Publicity 4.1.1 Posters 4.1.2 Books 4.1.3 Author's celebrity 4.1.4 Starts interviews 4.1.5 Trailer 4.1.6 Official website 4.2 Advertising 4.2.1 Press advertising 4.2.2 Television advertising 4.2.3 Radio advertising 4.3 Promotion 4.3.1 Harry Potter endorsed Coke 4.3.2 Merchandising campaigns 4.3.3 Sales promotion campaigns 4.3.4 …

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…for Digital Cinema Retrieved September 28,2005,from, content=36 32 NBC To Air Potter Special On Sunday (2001). Retrieved September 28,2005,from 33 COMIC RELIEF(2001). Retrieved September 28,2005,from 34 Massive movie magic(2001). Retrieved September 30,2005,from 35Harry Potter Dialogue Centre(2005). Retrieved September 28,2005,from