Movie Review - Dirty Pretty Things

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Grisly symbolism is one way to snatch your audience's attention. Too many times, thrillers tend to be loud, over-the-top, and be extremely fast paced in order to prove their point. They don't take into account that sometimes being slow, methodical, and grim can lead the way to salvation. Thankfully, "Dirty Pretty Things" is a change from the norm we've become used to, and is an absorbing and intriguing drama that captures our interest from the …

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…Juliette who intermingles a touch of comic relief with a sympathetic soul. "Dirty Pretty Things" is a film in which very depressing things happen, but it never feels depressing. The film delves into London's seediness, and takes us through several harrowing experiences, but does so without becoming gratuitously nasty. It does not revel in the darkness, nor does it seek to drag us down into it. It is quality, class, and definitely deserves a viewing.