Movie Anylisis of "We were soldiers"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Movie Review English Folio #2 Title: We were Soldiers Rating: MA15+ Directed: Randall Wallace Starring: Mel Gibson, Barry Pepper Writing Credits: Joseph Galloway (book) Lt. Hal Moore (book) We were soldiers is the next movie in the popular current trend of war movies, Following the same genre of Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, Black Hawk Down. All reasonable movies and this no eception. When i went to see this movie i was expecting a …

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…hold a gun to napalm strikes. And the result are spectacular. Overall i give this movie an 8.5 out of 10, while i found it excessivly violent and you could tell that it effected the audience. Which is rare concidering the amount of violence now shown, it still was well put together and was a great memorial showing the courage of the young men who served their countries in this battle and more importantly all of vietnam.