Motivational Racism ("Kaffir Boy" Comparison to "By Any Other Name")

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Motivational Racism <Tab/>Both the essay "By Any Other Name" and the story "Kaffir Boy" deal with the agony of racism. In Santha Rama Rau's essay "By Any Other Name," the two characters, Premila and Santha, leave their school because they are wealthy enough to receive an education where they will not receive racist remarks. In Mark Mathabane's "Kaffir Boy," Mark has grown up in poverty. Though Mark is told that …

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…Mark realized this and since he had nothing, it was all gain and no loss. The opposite is true as well -- if you strive for something that will get you nowhere or leave you in a worse position, the best thing to do is not to try, or in the case of Primila and Santha, leave. It all comes down to the situation one is in that will determine the motivation toward one's goal.