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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Part I Introduction Work motivation is the psychological forces within a person that determine the direction of the person's behavior in an organization, the person's level of effort, and the person's level of persistence in the face of obstacle (George & Jone 1999). In recent years, 'motivation' has become a frequent and important topic at management seminars and conference. Motivation is important because it explains why workers behave as they do. Motivation determines what workers do …

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…Raise Decision" Academy of Management Journal, 1989, 32, pp115-130 11.George & Jone (1999) " Motivation Tools: Job design and Goal setting" Organizational Behavior 2nd Ed Addism-wesley pp236 Bibliography 1.George & Jones (1999) Organizational Behavior 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley. 2.Gibson, Ivancevich & Donnelly (1997) Organizations 9th Ed, Irwin McGraw-Hill 3.Bailey, Schermerhom, Hunt & Obsorn (1991) Managing Organizational Behavior 2nd, Wiley 4.Stephen p. Robbins (1997) Essentials of Organizational Behavior International edition, Prentice Hall 5.Lester R. Bittel (1985) What Every Supervisor Should Know 5th ed, New York