Mothers in Shakespeare

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
1. The beginnings of a 'Motherless' world or The crime against love as humanity "When we are born, we cry that we are come To this great stage of fools." -- William Shakespeare, King Lear "We wordly men Have miserable, mad, mistaking eyes." -- William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus The original mythology of the matriarchal society was that of the Goddess Earth in her three aspects: the white Goddess of birth and growth, the red Goddess of …

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…Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being, London, Faber and Faber, 1992. 12. Jung, C.G., "Four Archetypes: Mother, Rebirth, Spirit, Trickster", London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976. 13. Lukacs, George, The Ideology of Modernism, from 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader, David Lodge, Burnt Mill, Longman Group UK Ltd., 1986. 14. Orwell, George, 1984, London, Penguin Books, 1990 15. Ransom, J.C., Poetry: A Note on Ontology, from American Literature: The Makers and the Making, Vol II, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1973.