Moscow On The Hudson Report

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Moscow On The Hudson The film, Moscow On The Hudson, brings the viewers to the height of the Cold War, during World War II. In the beginning, the movie is set in communist Russia, but it soon advances to democratic America. The Russians thought poorly of Americans, and constantly referred to them as "whores with disease." This film proves to Americans how fortunate they are to live in America, where freedom is not just an …

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…He describes America to Vladimir as "strange and wonderful." This film presented to its audience, the difference of the way people act, and the diverse ways of life that communists live under and people abiding in a democratic society. The people being forced to live under communism can only ideate what life as a "free" citizen is like. This movie demonstrates a foreigner's struggle to live his life with every American's natural born right, "freedom."