"Morril Act" by Justin Morril that concerned the young people who wanted to educate and get higher education in engineering, agriculture and military service.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Morrill Act Between the Civil War and the First World War, United States went through a giant growth. The population doubled from 38.6 million to 76 million people. This happened because of the immigrants from Europe, and the enlarged birth rate. The United States had to take action. They adopted the most liberal land policy in history. So, America started quickly urbanizing. By doubling the population the area of industrialization came along. Many factories were constructed, and …

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…because engineering is needed for industrialization, agriculture was a main people occupation and armed forces were inevitable. Justin Morrill had been pressing for the Act since 1857 and he achieved his goal. The Morrill Act could not be entitled to the States not in the Union or in condition of rebellion. The Morrill Act had an important role in US history and it was the only beginning of other acts and the beginning of advancing America.