Mormon Essay

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Who or What was the most important reason for the success of the Mormons in setting up a new community? The Mormons are a religious group in the United States of America. Their full name is The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints. Joseph Smith founded them. Joseph Smith was the man who founded the Mormons. He translated the golden plates and wrote the book of Mormon. The angel Moroni visited him. …

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…to do. He even got the Mormons to become a state and managed to get more Mormons to join which was a vital factor for their success. He introduced many laws and taught them to be self-sufficient; also if they didn't farm the land correctly then their land would be taken off them. I think without Brigham Young the Mormons wouldn't have succeeded at all and he was the most important reason for their success.