More than atoms.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
That's why we write. That's why we sing. That's why we dance. That's why we paint. That's why we pray. Because we are just a group of atoms. Because we want something more. We need to create something more. There has to be something more. Watch someone pray sometime. I mean really pray. See someone with glassy eyes and parted lips clasp their hands and silently ask of their beliefs "why?" If you are truly …

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…do, but I'll put up with you and be civil because I think that I am the bigger person." Search your heart not for the will to endure, but the will to understand. Understanding leads to acceptance, and acceptance leads to love, and if you are ever reduced to only managing tolerance, it will be much easier with love in your heart. You are no worse than anyone else, but you are no better either.