More harm than good

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Essay Database > Literature
In Kingsolver's Animal Dreams, the U.S. government's bad policies and employees are unable to help Codi, the main character, and her hometown's polluted river, and instead their environmental policies lead them to make things in the river worse. The Federal government is again portrayed negatively when Codi's sister Hallie is kidnapped, showing the destruction of the Contras, which the U.S. government supported. Although Hallie's kidnapping is ignored, thanks to a government policy the …

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…politics furthermore with the story of Grace to show the power that mines and other huge corporations hold over the people it once employed and the town it is located in. While Grace was a fictional town, other real places deal with a mine that does not care about the people it once employed or the outcome of the town that it was once housed by, again showing she uses facts to form her opinions.