Mordechai Richler's book "Son of a smaller hero".
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Essay Database > Literature
If I were to base my opinion of Jewish people solely on Mordechai Richler's "Son of a Smaller Hero", I would probably start wearing a Swastika on my arm and pledging my allegiance to the fuehrer. Richler characterizes Jews as a people who have an enormous lust for money, women, and power. Richler delivers a piece that seems the complete antithesis of his origional novel. While he crammed his former
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Smaller Hero" is a unique accomplishment for a writer that thought to be perverse in thought. It's humor and sadness are intertwined just enough to make this novel a one of a kind. I believe that no other can match Richler's unique style of writing. "Son Of A Smaller Hero", is an example of Canadian literature at it's best. It is the kind of work that makes a nation proud to describe themselves as Canadians.
Smaller Hero" is a unique accomplishment for a writer that thought to be perverse in thought. It's humor and sadness are intertwined just enough to make this novel a one of a kind. I believe that no other can match Richler's unique style of writing. "Son Of A Smaller Hero", is an example of Canadian literature at it's best. It is the kind of work that makes a nation proud to describe themselves as Canadians.