Morals as Depicted in The Grea

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Morals as Depicted in The Great Gatsby The East and the Midwest are symbols of different moral attitudes and life-styles in the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Tom Buchanan, Daisy and Jordan Baker were all born and at least spent most of their lifetime in the West. On the one hand the West symbolizes conservative values like honesty, a strong sense of community and as an outgrowth, an inquisitory …

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…Thus a contrast in both lifestyles is still visible today. Comparing e.g. New York and St.Louis as typical representatives of their regions, this contrast becomes evident. New York the corrupt, hectic, dirty but also highly progressive metropolis of the East Coast, and the almost paradise-like, comfortable and a little provincial gate to the West, St.Louis, are the perceivable incarnation of the striking contrast between the West and the East of the USA.