Morals and Laws in Antigone

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A crucial question in Antigone is, "When someone makes a law that is known by the public to be morally wrong, should the public break his/her law? Or should they collaborate with that person by obeying? Antigone felt that the law (no one was supposed to bury her brother Polyneicies) should be broken so she took what she thought to be appropriate measures. This is called Civil Disobedience. Another question is "Is Civil Disobedience …

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…example of Civil Disobedience, is exceptionally wrong. "When someone makes a law that is known by the public to be wrong?" Then they should be collaborated with. The Jews would say it is alright to break this particular law. The Vietnam veterans would say it is not acceptable to break that law. The real answer is that there is no real answer, because some say it is alright, and some say it is not right.