Morality in the US

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Essay Database > History
Many things have influenced the United States in its history. Morality,one of these influences, has been both observed and ignored in this history. This essay will show different periods in history when the United States acted in a immoral fashion. The United States treated the Japanese Americans immorally in World War 2 and acted immorally toward Native Americans especially at Wounded Knee. Another of the immoral acts that the US has committed was the My …

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…The United States has done some incredibly generous things in its time. However, the United States has done some horrible things and that is what this essay is trying to show. Although there were several immoral things done, the Japanese interment, the mistreatment of Native Americans, and the My Lai incident have been three of the worst. No country has been completely moral in its actions, and the United States of America is no exception.