Morale: The Strongest Weapon In a War - This essay is about morale and (1) Why We Need It, (2) Has It Done Any Good? and (3) Techniques (4) Other Opinions
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Morale: The Strongest Weapon In a War
Morale is defined as an attitude towards something, and that's exactly what it is. We need Morale during a war to get our soldiers to fight their best! Take the last two words of that sentence. "their best"... People may not think that words and feelings have any place in a war, but I think it is extremely crucial. You need to believe in victory! Many people quit
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the truth and exaggerates. People think that you shouldn't tell lies to manipulate people. I think no. Attitude is the single most important weapon in a war. Soldiers who are willing to do their best are better than sadistic soldiers that are tired and weak; soldiers that have nothing better to do than mope around and question their mortal existance. I say we give them a reason to resist! I say we give them... Morale!!!
the truth and exaggerates. People think that you shouldn't tell lies to manipulate people. I think no. Attitude is the single most important weapon in a war. Soldiers who are willing to do their best are better than sadistic soldiers that are tired and weak; soldiers that have nothing better to do than mope around and question their mortal existance. I say we give them a reason to resist! I say we give them... Morale!!!