Moral aspects of Technology(Case study: Moral Impact of Mobile Phone communication on the society)

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HU 341 Moral Literacy and Moral Choices Term Paper Moral aspects of Technology Motivation: It might appear strange that while our synopsis and the presentation dealt primarily with Communication, especially personal communication as applied to the special case of mobile communication, this term paper deals with the idea of technology as a whole. However, it can be justified on the grounds that what is true for one technology will in essence be true for others as …

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…inherent properties of the technology which come into picture as soon as the technology is used in a certain manner. References: 1.Medium is the message: Marshall McLuhan. 2.The Ecstasy of Communication: Jean Baudrillard 3.An interview with Marshall McLuhan by Eric Norden, published in the Playboy magazine(1969) 4.On the phenomenology of technology: The ?Janus faces? of mobile phone: M. Arnold 5. 6. 7.