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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. Or was he???? For the first time it is now, possible to present the compelling evidence that the Apollo 11 moon landing of July 20, 1969 was a hoax. There is plenty of evidence to support this contention.... Different questions have been raised about the footage taken on the moon, also the physical and technical impossibilities that surround the phony moon landing is substantial enough to …

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…of however many members it always boils down to one person at the top. What he says or does can affect the whole institution, in the same way the government is comparable. It is and always will be like that, but if we just accept as true everything the media tells us, the more corrupt the government will become. Even if this evidence is conclusively proved, it is as story that could never be told.