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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The Muong people, or better known to westerners as the Montagnards, inhabit The Central Highlands of Vietnam in Southeast Asia. They settled about two thousand years ago and learned to live in harmony with the earth. There are many separate tribes. These include the Bru, Pacoh, Rhade, Bahnar, Jarai, Cua, Sre, Nop, Mnong, Kayong, Lat, Monom, Halang, Hre, Sedang, Jeh, Chru, Nop, and more are probably unknown. Most dwell within a three-hundred kilometer stretch from …

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…Any logical human being can see that this mind-set is absurd and completely disrespects the human rights of these people. They harm no one in their simple way of survival. They are one with nature and the spirits within it. Living off the land is the only way they know and the Montagnard people are perfectly content doing this. They are suffering for industry, communist greed, trade, and ultimately the narrow-minded ethnocentric views Vietnamese communists.