Monologue: Michael Andretti

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Essay Database > Literature
Phew, what a day! This morning I had to help my daughter settle a little fight where she had been threatened by Carly's father for hitting his daughter over the head with a book! Adolescence... my young Josie is on a roller coaster of emotions, if you know what I mean. This is probably due to her family / friend relationships, maybe her school life and its pressures, "Christian" beliefs and I guess just that proud …

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…that even the teachers said it. Once Josephine learns to understand herself, then she might be able to accept me back into her life. Anyways I just remembered, I think I might have a job for her up at my workplace. She could be the photocopier and get better money than that stupid McDonalds restaurant, and on top of that we could spend more time with each other. I think I'll go and find her.