Monochromatic Dye - A short story about a girl trapped in depression.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Her footsteps anxiously entered the dark room, escaping from the echoing shouts travelling along the whitewashed walls of the corridor. The door slammed, and for a moment a thick blanket of silence covered the room, stifling any traces of noise and movement. Then, a faint buzz was heard, as she flicked the light switch, followed by a dim light, destroying the restricting blanket. The black walls of her room seemed to devour her pale skin …

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…But she was too weak. Lacking strength, she trudged along, screening herself from realisation as she drowned in the deep abyss of her world. She lived in her own black cage. Isolated from the rest of society and from the hair bleach, with its luminous orange packaging which was unwelcome in her room. Holding the box stiffly, she walked to the door, and angrily threw it back into its own world with its whitewashed walls.