Monitoring.... Not Spying (Reading employees emails and monitoring websites)

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
<Tab/>People should be able to write whatever they please in an email without worrying about other people reading it other than the recipient. Of course, I believe this is true only when they use his or her personal computer. At the workplace, on the other hand, I believe it is morally acceptable for an employer to read his or her employers email. One of the deontological issues concerning this is …

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…>. Glave, James. "An Email Bill For Employees". 16 Sep. 1999. 20 Jun. 2004. <Tab/><,1294,21792,00.html>. Samuel, Patrice. "Earning It: Who's Reading Your Email? Maybe the Boss". The New York <Tab/>Times. 12 May 1996. 20 Jun. 2004. < <Tab/>Privacy.htm>.