Money and banking the effect on the poor

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Essay Database > Literature
The exploitation of America's poor The exploitation of the poor and elderly is an age-old social problem that is being taken to disturbing extremes by some of America's biggest conglomerate companies. In the article, "Fringe banks exploit the poor" written by Michael Hudson, Hudson reveals some of the United States larger corporations Ford, ITT Corp, Fleet financial services, Citicorp, And American Express have been the benefactors of aggressive lending practices through their subsidiary companies. Furthermore, …

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…time you see road signs or get junk mail with the following slogans "No credit checks", "We Believe in you", "Make your dreams come true" and other broken promises ask yourself if a companies bottom line or jump in stock price is worth the huge disparity in the 90-10 wage gap that is recognized in the United sates today. Furthermore, these large corporations are taking advantage of the already truly most disadvantaged of are citizenry.