Monet's Use of Color

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Monet's use of color along with use of intricate brush strokes and composition is outstanding. The vast variations of brush strokes and color placement techniques are what make his work so unique and individual. Grand Canal, Venice, 1908 is a prime example of Monet's talents in these areas. The structure of the painting is very loose. There are few hard lines in the composition that represents solid structure. The curves in conjunction with the shades of …

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…not necessarily exploring reflections on water but to explore anything which he/she may have a passion for. With Monet in particular, his juxtaposition of complimentary colors allowed him to gain the effect he was going for in his study of reflections, especially in the Grand Canal, Venice, 1908. Pete Sanchez Art History - J. Russell 04-21-00 Claude Monet Grand Canal, Venice, 1908 Museum of Fine Arts Oil on canvas Bequest of Alexander Cochrane, 1919 19.171 Word Count: 1431