Moma Duck and Her Seven Eggs

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Moma Duck and Her Seven Eggs Once upon a time, there was a moma duck who was waiting for her 7 eggs to hatch. She was really exited, her friends the ducks were really happy too. She waited along time. Finally the day came in the morning about 9:00am she felt the eggs hatching, she scream with happiness, "Everybody the eggs are hatching come see them!" The ducks came running quickly. Finally the eggs hatch, the …

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…left out.. After a few days they stated liking him better even if he was different, because he loved his brothers and sisters and he was very nice and tried to play with them. Moma duck was happy because they loved his son as they all did. MORAL: Not matter if anybody is different you you don't have to dislike them just because there are different. email me at THE END.