Modernism, Modernists in American Literature, Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, Ezra Pound, and T.S Eliot.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Untill Modernism it is possible to see the American authors write about different themes, they wrote about dreams, fantasy, gothic, nature, friendship. Till early of 20th century Americans have no real problems even a culture. Between 1860-1900 the immigration started, American government sent some agents to Europe and these agents persuaded people immigration to America. America want these people because they want to better economy in 1920 American population increase from 36 million to 120 million. This explosion …

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…new thing to literature too he also criticize society he wrote a close reading from the text. Wallace Stevens was against to war he see poetry as a way of understanding reality. Robert Frost had a different style he mixed Realism with Modernism in his poetry. When we look all this poets we can see they create Modernism as a response of war, social troubles and culture and they wrote and criticize about this theme.