Modern History - Revolutions and Turmoil - The Russian Revolution.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The fact that the autocracy collapsed in Feb. 1917 is not very surprising at all. One might agree that if for some favourable reason World War I did not take place then neither would the Russian Revolution. Or it may have happened, but later than it did. There was mass discontent spreading throughout Russia at the time of Tsar Nicholas II and the war put too much of a strain upon the nation for it to …

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…of the war's exacerbation of the Russian people's discontent. The fact that the revolution occurred on this precise date is not surprising because Russia was a backward country that's economy had collapsed and revolutionary groups were waiting to make a stand. If the war didn't take place the revolution still would have, but at a later date. Fact is through the war did take place and therefore the revolution took place on February the 23 in 1917.