Modern Day Slavery

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Essay Database > History
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- They Came to This Country Seeking Better Lives for Themselves and Their Families. Instead, They Found Abuse and Forced Prostitution. The Tale of Two Survivors. The moment Rosa saw the clothes, she knew she had been deceived. Short shorts, micro minis, crop tops. Not the kind of clothing the 17-year-old girl would need to care for the elderly or wait on tables--jobs that sounded full of promise when the smugglers described them in …

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…better solution for victims in slavery cases, but nothing has been officially announced. "The federal government wants to make sure that exploited workers--the true victims in these cases--are not exploited any further by the prosecution process," Gennaco said. "After it's all said and done, it should be taken into account that they did assist us and that they have concerns about retribution if they are returned to their countries."--Amy Driscoll, Herald Staff Writer ----------------------------------------------------------------------