Mitosis explanation, plain and simple....maybe write more about cytokinesis???

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Mitosis Mitosis is the process of a cell dividing. A parent cell divides to create two identical daughter cells, which are exact replicas of the original parent cell. DNA is replicated, and each daughter cell receives one copy of the original DNA and the cell goes through a process consisting of 4 steps called mitosis. Interphase, which isn't part of mitosis, is the "stage" when the cell is not in the process of dividing, but DNA …

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…cells begin to emerge around the clusters of chromosomes. Nuclei form at each end of the cell, and nuclear envelopes also reappear. During cytokinesis in animal cells, after all the mitotic processes are complete, the cell pinches off on itself forming a cleavage furrow, and then pinches off entirely (looks like a balloon). In a plant cell, a cell plate forms at the metaphase plate which turns into the cell wall which both cells share.