Misuse of Antibiotics

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
In today's world,many doctor's are misusing their privledge to prescribe antibiotics. Many people now days will tell you they would rather go to the doctor and get medicine then going and the doctor telling them just to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Since doctors are doing this for many common colds and many strains of strep, many of the bacterial strains are becoming resistant to the antibiotics that have been used to treat …

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…-100 dollars to listen to a doctor tell them to feed a virus and starve a cold. So, doctors are trying to please their patients, and they are doing this by giving them things that is only going to hurt them in the long run. Many people believe that doctors are the reason for people's prescription medication addictions because they prescibe these medicine "because they can"! We, as americans, need to fix this problem fast!!