Misleading Religion

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
I had to pick a topic and do a research paper on it with a works cited page in MLA format. This essay is about conflicts in the world today and in the past, and wether or not they have to do with religion. Misleading Religion When the term crusade is used in the media, people tend to think that it is in reference to a "holy war." However this is far from the truth. …

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…NJ: Enslow, 2002. Ellwood, Robert, Ed. The Encyclopedia of World Religion. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1998. Kallen, Stuart A. The Holocaust 1940-1944. Minneapolis, MN: Abdo Consulting Inc, 1994 Robinson, B.A. "Religiously-Based Civil Unrest and Warfare" 12 Mar. 1999 http://www.religioustolerance.org/curr_war.htm Rohde, David. "Bosnian culture health refugees immigrants" http://www3.bayloredu/~charles_kemp/Bosnian_refugees.htm "The Holocaust: An Historical Overview" http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/affiliates/hlc/holocaust/factsheets/fs0.html