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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Introduction <Tab/>Pregnancy is normally thought of as a time for joy and celebration. However, not all couples get to experience it quite that way. For many couples, their joy and celebration is cut short when they are devastated by the loss a miscarriage brings. This loss is felt and handled uniquely by both partners. However, miscarriage is much more common than one would think, and there are resources available to …

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…it may take some women as many as several years or more to recover from the trauma of a miscarriage. One cannot truly appreciate what it is to have a miscarriage, unless one experiences it personally. Perhaps Luebbermann (1996) explains it most eloquently when she stated that, "Women who have had miscarriages will tell you that modern medicine physically cures them, but healing the emotional pain of the miscarriage is a slower, grindingly difficult process" (p. 74).