Miracle on Ice

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
<Tab/>The ?Miracle on Ice? of the 1980 Olympic games in Lake Placid, New York, was arguably the greatest sports performance in the history of athletics. Not only was it the victory of an underdog team, but also it was the victory of an underdog nation. To understand this amazing feat, one must reflect back on the unreasonable times. Just one year earlier the nation was still nursing its wounds from Vietnam, …

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…which was not far from the truth. America had new confidence and new hope for an end to this silent war with the USSR. Their confidence was not as apparent through the last ten years of this war though. Through the Cuban missile crisis, Americans lost their confidence and were always on their seats, waiting for the sirens to go off. But we prevailed, and peace was restored between the U. S. and the USSR.