Minority Report Film Review

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Minority Report - Film Review Who wouldn't want to live in a world where murder didn't exist? The citizens of Washington, DC, have it in the year 2054, and it's been that way for them for six years. Law enforcement benefits from having three people with an extraordinary gift of foresight. They are called pre-cogs, and have the same names as three well-known mystery writers - Agatha, Arthur, and Dashiell. They live a very controlled life …

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…that if we acted on our thoughts, we'd all be killers. "Minority Report" is a strong argument against making bad thought a crime. Bad actions cannot always be stopped, and not every perpetrator can be caught. Law enforcement should be strong, but they should not be so strong that people allow them to rewrite the Constitution. If that ever happens, we will all be prisoners, and the world will be worse off as a result.