Minnesota: Past and Present

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Minnesota, state in the north central United States, south of Canada and west of Wisconsin. Its total area is 225,181 sq km (86,943 sq mi). The state name comes from a Sioux word meaning "cloudy water," first applied to the Minnesota River. Minnesota is known as the Gopher State; no one is sure why. It is also called Land of 10,000 Lakes and in fact contains 15,000. The capital is Saint Paul. II. Physical Geography Most of Minnesota has …

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…and other community services. Throughout the 20th century, Minnesota's history has been dominated by relations among farmers, businesses, and political parties. The state has seen several third-party movements as voters sought alternatives to Democratic and Republican candidates. In recent years Minnesota's liveliest political debates have been concerned with the issues of taxation, business climate, welfare programs, crime, and education. Property-tax relief, which often reflects clashes between rural and urban areas, is a persistent legislative issue.