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Essay Database > Literature > English
Anti-Personnel landmines have been used in many wars even though the users and makers know how horrible they are, and what they do to people that are innocent, and more so, know what they do to children. Unlike the eye of a soldier, a landmine cannot differentiate between a civilian and a soldier. Landmines have destroyed the lives of many people who had nothing to do with the reason that they were planted. An anti-personnel …

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…making and exporting landmine scattering systems. Is this what we want our taxes spent on? Killing machines. So what can we as children do to prevent these disgusting contraptions from being made and sold in the United States. You can contact your representatives and your senators to support certain bills. Tell senators to support S. 896 and Representatives to support H.R. 2459. You can also call the White House Hotline and tell them what you think.