Milton Friedman

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Milton Friedman Milton Friedman, like so many great life stories, was the subject of a very tough childhood. He was son to a couple of poor immigrants, born on 31 July 1912, in New York, America. At the age of fifteen, Friedman's father died. Despite this, he won a scholarship to both Rutgers University and the University of Chicago, where he achieved a Bachelor of the Arts degree in economics. The very next year he received an …

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…it brings in immediate short-term revenue. I do not believe however, that this will be an overall gain for the economy in the long run. I chose, after reading through a brief biographical description of each of the six economists and their different theories, to conduct a study of Milton Friedman. I choose Friedman in particular because I thought it might be interesting to study his extremely controversial views in greater detail, and it was.