Military and Diplomatic History

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The chaotic events of the 60's, including war and social change, would seem unreal not to continue in the 70's and the more conservative 1980s and 1990s, . Major trends included a growing disillusionment of government, from the "Sexual Revolution" to radical left-wing activism, advances in civil rights, increased influence of the women's movement, a greater concern for the environment, and increased space exploration. Many of the "radical" ideas of the 60's gained wider acceptance in …

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…ways it is good and in some it is bad. now that we are there's a war , that many people have died, but who's to say they wouldnt have died because of the way's they are treated in there countries, but we also are working with other countries helping eachother out. as if in a neighborhood, if you help a neighbor an neighbor would help you right? Thats how our world will hopefully be soon.