Military Intervention in Afgha

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Essay Database > History
Justification for retaliation against acts of hatred proves to be very difficult to develop, maintain, and most of all prove. The September 11th assault that "was so sudden and so shocking that it seemed to obliterate many of the doubts that were the legacy of the country's tortured Vietnam experience. Polls show that up to 90% of Americans support a military response," wrote Mark Barabak. However was this support justified? Would a military response that would …

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…not the key to do this. It is not a justifiable course of action. It leads to death, destruction and mayhem. It leaves refugees that create a burden on an innocent country. Military intervention would tear apart countries and spawn discrimination of a new form, and hatred that has never been seen before. Military Intervention is not the solution to the War on Terrorism but rather a catalyst for further retaliation against the United States.