Miguel Cervantes Research Paper: relating "Don Quixote"

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The Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes was an accomplished author in the late 16th century. His famous work, Don Quixote is continued to be read and enjoyed by people today. Except for The Bible, no book has been so widely diffused into as many different languages and editions as Don Quixote. The influence of Don Quixote on later literature was astounding. The work, which is in essence a parody of the time's popular chivalric romances, …

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…a doubt, Miguel de Cervantes and "Don Quixote" continue to have a large impact on literature and art to this day. Cervantes' comparison of idealism verses naturalism caught the literary world by surprise and became the stepping stone to many great works to follow. When first published, Don Quixote was an immediate success. The popularity of Don Quixote hasn't diminished in over 500 years and through Cervantes' unique writing style will probably live to see 500 more.