Microsoft: its leap for the stars. Assignment: to briefly give an essay about Microsoft's history, along with their net income and any information I can find.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Today, you could walk up to anyone and ask them what first pops up in their head when they hear the name "Microsoft". Some might mention Windows, which currently runs on about 97% of personal computers (excluding Macintosh models). Some might mention Office, one of Microsoft's powerful programs out. Some might also mention Bill Gates, who happens to be the richest man in the world. Microsoft is the most powerful company ever to be founded. Today, …

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…compete. These Anti-trust cases are still being sorted out to this date. Windows Media Center Edition and Server 2003 would also be released. It is Bill Gates dream for leadership, his strong intelligence for computers, and his life that would change the computer industry forever. What would the world be today in personal computers if Microsoft had not been made, or if they had been out-competed. The computer industry would just be breadcrumbs compared to today.