Micheal Hunt's Lyndon Johnson's War.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
HIST 1112: United States History II Study Guide for Michael Hunt's Lyndon Johnson's War General Questions What is the significance of the book's title? Was Vietnam really "Lyndon Johnson's War"? What's the "crusade" in the subtitle? Whom or what does Hunt blame for the war? While looking at the history of the French and previous United States Presidents involvement with Vietnam, President Johnson decisions to escalated this war with troop involvement and the idea to "win …

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…d destruction. Incursion by the NLF, DRV, Saigon and American forces together with devastating and repeated US/ bombing raids intensified the havoc already created by civil war and radicalized Cambodia's own revolutionary forced the Khmer Rouge resulting in millions of civilian causality with his reign in terror of starvation and death. Vietnam intervention in 1979 toppled the Khmer Rouge but also set off another cycle of conflict. Only in the early 1990s did the turmoil ease.