Michael Moore's article, "Idiot Nation" complies with Mike Rose's article, "I just want to be Average."...

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Michael Moore's article, "Idiot Nation" complies with Mike Rose's article, "I just want to be Average."; since both articles, state that the education or intelligence level of scholar in America, are very low. This decreasing level of intelligence, in scholars; is caused by the incompetence, the instructors comprehend; according to Rose, and Moore. One instance of the instructor lacking the proper training; is shown when Rose, states; "Sophomore English was taught by Mr. Mitropetros...He …

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…According to Moore and Rose, one of the many main reasons for the level of intelligence our scholars have is; cause by the incompetence of the instructors whom instruct the scholars. The instructors are lacking many things, mainly the "level" to instruct the courses, they are instructing. Those instructors that do have the "level" rarely spend not enough time with their scholars, so the scholars understand and absorb the matter; that the instructor is teaching.